Monday 25 December 2023

Gatha Abhang 622 - Gaadhavaache taanhe

Marathi Text

गाढवाचे तान्हे । पालटते क्षणक्षणे ॥१॥
तैसे अधमाचे गुण । एकविध नाही मन ॥२॥
उपजता बरे दिसे । रूप वाढे तो तो नासे ॥३॥
तुका म्हणे भुंकते वेळे । वेळ अवेळ न कळे ॥४॥
Roman Script
1. Gaadhavaache taanhe, paalatate kshanekshane
2. Taise adhamaache gun, ekvidh naahee man
3. Upajata bare dise, roop vaadhe to to naase
4. Tuka mhane bhunkate vele, vel avel na kale.
1. A foal looks very cute when it's small. But, its qualities keep changing every moment while it is growing. It starts inclining towards stupidity.
2. A man is similar to this foal. His mind is never steady at one place. He just cannot concentrate.
3. The foal looks very beautiful when it's born. But as the age increases, its looks start becoming ugly.
4. Tuka says, such foal (or even man) starts barking at any time, without thinking whether it's the right time to bark or not.

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