Friday 22 December 2023

Gatha Abhang 595 - Aashchrya te ek zaale

Marathi Text

आश्चर्य तें एक झालें । मना आलें माझिया ॥१॥
मढयांपाशीं करुणा केली । तैसी गेली वृथा हे ॥२॥
यावा तो कैसा राग । खोटें मग देखोनि ॥३॥
तुका म्हणे कैंचा बोला । शोध विठ्ठला माझिया ॥४॥
Roman script
1. Aashchrya te ek zaale, mana aale maaziya
2. Madhyaapaashee karuna kelee, taisee gelee vrutha he
3. Na yaava to kaisa raag, Khote mag dekhoni
4. Tuka mhane kaicha bola, shodh Vitthala maaziya.
1. One thought has come in my mind and I am surprised with that thought.
2. The crying of a relative sitting near a dead person is of no use. Similarly, my pleas of mercy have been of no use!
3. Oh God, You have deceived me and I am very angry with you. Why shouldn't I be?
4. Tuka says, Oh Vithal! Think something about what I have said.

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