Friday 28 July 2017

Tukaram Gatha Abhanga 57 - Na ye netra jal - न ये नेत्रां जळ

Tukaram Gatha Abhanga 57

In this abhanga, Saint Tukaram is cautioning us against people who preach without having a direct God Realization experience.

न ये नेत्रां जळ । नाहीं अंतरीं कळवळ ।।१।।
तों हे चावटीचे बोल । जन रंजवणें फोल ।।२।।
न फळे उत्तर ।नाहीं स्वामी जों सादर ।।३।।
तुका म्हणे भेटी । जंव नाहीं दृष्टादृष्टी ।।४।। 

1.     Na ye netra jal, nahee antaree kalval
2.     To he chavatiche bol, jan ranjavane phol
3.     Na phale uttar, nahee Swamee jo saadar
4.     Tuka mhane bhetee, jav nahee drushtadrushtee

1.     A person who hasn't shed tears with love for God and who doesn't have a genuine longing for God,
2.     His sermons are utterly useless. It is a worthless blab, just entertainment!
3.     Until we have received a direct blessing from the God, our words will not gather the expected strength,
4.     Until we meet God, eye to eye, our words will not have the power to bear fruit.

With this I take your leave. Hope you liked it!!
Deepak Phadnis.

1.     If you want to know 'Saint Tukaram' as a great lover of God, you may like to go to the first abhanga posted on face book page 'Saint Tukaram Gatha Translation' on 18th July and start studying the Tukaram Gatha from the beginning!

2.     You may like to subscribe to the YouTube channel ‘Deepak Phadnis’, if you wish to study the Gatha at a comfortable pace. We are planning to upload more videos after overcoming certain constraints in production of videos.

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